Romain Houssa and Xavier Debrun (2022), Guest Editor-International Economics
This Special Issue was initiated by the Belgian policy research group on Financing for Development (BeFinD), coordinated by Romain Houssa at the University of Namur (UNamur). BeFinD is a consortium of four academic research centers in Belgium: Centre of Research in the Economics of Development (UNamur), HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society (KU Leuven), Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies (KU Leuven), Institute of Development Policy (Universiteit Antwerpen). BeFinD has worked on policy and research questions that are the most relevant on issues related to financing for development in the framework of ACROPOLIS (Academic Research Group for Policy Support) project. The ACROPOLIS project is financed by the Belgian Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGD) in collaboration with the Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation and of Major Cities. It aims to support the decision-making of DGD with evidence-based research on issues related to financing for development. The project is managed by ARES-CCD and VLIR-UOS. It brings together policymakers from DGD, BMDC, Enabel, and other relevant governmental actors on the one hand and researchers from universities in Belgium on the other over the 2014–2018 period.